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    For this Analysis assignment, we were instructed to pair up and create a duet. However, we needed to have a Motif score that displayed the movement in the duet we were performing. Motif scores are a series of symbols and terminology that documents a dancer’s movement. Motif scores are very important in dance, as they provide records and documentation of past dances and dances we want to save and record. Motif scores allow for dancers to explore their creativity within the score, as it is only general movements and gestures.

    During this process, my partner and I decided to choreograph a chunk of material and then write in Motif what we had just done. We wanted to explore as much symbols and terminology as possible to gain comfortability and confidence in Motif scoring. We played a lot with physical contact and weight sharing. At times, we found it challenging to figure out which symbols to use for our movement. Half way through writing the Motif we got more comfortable and it became easier to understand and write.

Assignment Description:

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